Course Contents
Who Should Attend
Course Lecturer

Created in July 1995 last updated 24 July 1998
Course Objectives

- To understand WHY & HOW corrosion occurs in microelectronic devices and packages.
- To know HOW to control and prevent corrosion in microelectronics.
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Course Content
Corrosion is responsible for more than
50% of microelectronic device failures. It is dependent on the package type, electronic materials, fabrication
and assembly processes, and environmental conditions (such as humidity, contaminants, temperature, stress and electrical
bias etc.) This course thoroughly and systematically covers the causes and prevention of corrosion in microelectronics.
Following is a tentative outline:
- Terminology and Conventions
- corrosion, unit of measurement for corrosion, pH, potential, potential-pH diagram, passivation, anode, cathode,
corrosion cell, EMF series, active metal, noble metal, galvanic series etc.
- Why & How does corrosion occur in microelectronics?
- corrosion in classical systems
- the reaction of a metal with its environment
- the electrochemical nature of corrosion
- the mixed potential theory
- polarisation and corrosion rate
- corrosion in microelectronics
- electronic materials and properties
- corrosion processes in microelectronics
- factors affecting the rate of corrosion
- packaging materials,
- relative humidity,
- contaminants,
- temperature,
- stress,
- electrical bias etc.
- common forms of corrosion failures
- corrosion prediction
- How to control and prevent corrosion
- materials selection
- design
- use of packaging materials
- control of environment
- Testing techniques
- AC impedance
- galvanic effect
- corrosion rate determination
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Who Should Attend

This course has been structured in such a way that it is particularly suited for the designers,
technologists, engineers and QA/QC personnel who are concerned with corrosion failures in microelectronics.
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